How long has it been since you thought of TF2? I played it a bit, enjoyed it for a while, but in the end FPSes aren’t really my thing. Guns and shooting people, realistically, even in a heavily stylized and humorous way, not for me. But I can respect all the work that went into it, and it’s a landmark of both gaming and gaming culture.
Team Fortress 2 has an official comic that lays out the story of the game, such as it is. It had six issues, then it just trailed off in 2017. Well, they finally made one more, to wrap it up. The game’s not done yet no, people will probably be playing Team Fortress 2 until the world collapses, and the stories of those many games are the real saga of TF2. But there is a backstory to all those stories, and it’s told in those comics.

At the end it even has a holiday theme. Seven years later, Soldier breaks Merasmus out of prison, and then tells him the true story of why The Administrator has BLU and RED fight each other. Well, kind of. Then the Korean mafia gets involved. Merasmus dies, but comes right back as a ghost, because he’s Merasmus. Other things happen.

Then we go to Scout’s house for Smissmas. Find out what happens next yourself, but I will give you the panel near the end with all the mercs together. Because it’s Smissmas Eve, and a fitting coda to the entire Team Fortress 2 thing.

By the way, if you choose to download that CBR it’s a doozy, it’s over three-quarters of a gigabyte because the images are all saved as PNGs.