“Beating” Super Mario Bros By (Virtually) Swapping Cartridges

This seems like it’s going a bit too far to me. That’s the very phrase, “going too far,” that video creator 100th Coin uses, when he finishes Super Mario Bros. by swapping cartridges in mid-play.

And it’s not even really swapping cartridges. This is a TAS, a tool-assisted speedrun, so instead of physically removing a cartridge and putting in another one within a single machine cycle, it just switches rom images into an emulated machine’s address space.

It’s pretty ludicrous, but at least the video maker is upfront about this. Correction: they’re up front about it within their 40-minute video, but not in the title. The title is pretty click-baity, but I guess creators get views however they can in the Youtube hellscape of 2025, if content makers can survive.