Roguelike Celebration 2022, the yearly conference about this peculiar genre, begins tomorrow! This year it is again being held virtually. Its schedule is here, and you can get your ticket here. As I write this tickets cost $30, but if you can’t afford that there is an option for free admission at that link. If you can pay though then please consider it? I presented there last year, although in my 30 minute timeslot I didn’t even get to cover like even 10% of what I had planned.
It generally has much of interest both to players and developers, and covers more than strictly-defined roguelikes but also a variety of games and topics related to procedural content generation.Here’s a selection of talks that I personally think may be interesting, although there are many more than this planned:
- Persistence and Resistence: How narrative in roguelikes is currently underutilized, by Sherveen Uduwana
- Remembering Moria – a roguelike before the roguelikes, by Santiago Zapata
- How hard can it be to create a non-violent rogue-lite dungeon crawler?, by Tabea Iseli
- Smoothing the Sharp Edges of RNG, by Evan Debenham
- A Million Little Players: Monte Carlo Simulations for Game Design, by Phenry Ewing
- Tips and Tricks in Procedural Generation, by Pierre Vigier
I hope to see you (virtually) there!