Indie Showcase for 12/3/2024

The weekly indie showcases highlight the games we check out on stream, please reach out if you would like me (Josh Bycer) to cover your game. All games shown are press key submissions.

0:00 Intro
00:14 Moons of Ardan
2:26 The Great Below
4:04 Stuffed
5:46 Striving For Light: Survival
7:24 Loot River
9:10 Card Detective

Indie Game Showcase 161

Each indie showcase highlights the many indie games we play here on the channel. If you would like to submit a game for a future showcase, please reach out.

0:00 Intro
00:14 Astral Ascent
2:52 The Last Sunshine Rekindled
5:49 Lila’s Sky Ark
8:30 LootRiver
11:31 Beneath Oresa
14:53 Riftbound