BTW, Acclaim is back

So this is happening I guess:

The event that no one was waiting for.

A couple of beloved Western game companies that use to exist but don’t any more include Atari Games and Bally/Midway. One that wasn’t quite so beloved, at least in my well-annotated book, was Acclaim, makers of Vexx, BMX XXX, and other games that, surprisingly, don’t involve the letter X. So naturally that’s the one that’s gotten revived, oh joy.

The Old Acclaim got started on the NES, and lasted until the Playstation 2 years. Mind you, like the current day Atari, there is no continuity of staff between the new and old Acclaims, just ownership of name, logo and possibly properities, so whatever will happen with this new Acclaim is so far unknown. The old Acclaim was noted for soul-killing PR moves like buying ad space on tombstones in order to promote Shadow Man 2. Note to the new company: don’t do things like that.

Just look at that edgy mascot warrior person. Would you be surprised to learn that it plays a lot like Mario 64?

Take a look at Vexx. It tries to be so dark and edgy, yet stars that moppet from the box art above. It’s almost adorable!

BMX XXX made news for having topless female nudity on some platforms, exactly what a bike racing game needed sure.

So the best advice I can give to The New Acclaim is, please, please, please, don’t be like the old Acclaim!

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