Romhack Thursday: Max in Streets of Rage 2

On Romhack Thursdays, we bring you interesting finds from the world of game modifications.

There are lots of Streets of Rage romhacks. Just a partial list: Billy, Nick Fury, The Punisher, Nightcrawler, Ditto, Colossus, Zitz and Pimple, Wolverine, Garfield and many more than that.

Many of them seem to exist only for the questionable thrill of playing character from Property X in Video Game Y, fun for a few minutes maybe, then time to move on. They’re so disposable, and there are so many of them, that I’ve resisted linking to any of them here.

And I’m not going to claim that playing through as Max, from underground comic, cult adventure games and short-lived cartoon show Sam & Max, is much different. But if there’s any irreverent comic character that feels like they were made for this kind of beat-em-up nonsense, it’s the hyperkinetic rabbity thing themself, so please take this hack as representative of the whole. Video, two minutes long:

Max in Streets of Rage 2:
Hack (by Metal64, Ultimecia and Dazz)
Video (by RetroGaming)

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