Legends of Wario

There’s this image going around, referred to in this video as a “greentext” image, in that way that people who are very online will just throw out there and expect that everyone knows what they’re talking about when other people (like myself) who are at least as online don’t know because they weren’t online in the same way. It seems that a “greentext” image is that way because it’s a quote in an old 4chan thread. Bleh.

But anyway. Said image is a list of obscure, but apparently canonical, facts about everyone’s favorite money-grubbing antiplumber, Wario. Narrator Mish Koz goes through each fact and tries to determine from whence it came. Many of them are sourced from an old Nintendo website. They’re entertaining at least, for 17 minutes. Here is the video:

The facts are:

  • He has a bee allergy
  • He likes wrestling & country music
  • His favorite foods
  • He can bench press 200 kg
  • Dr Crygor uses him as a guinea pig for his experiments
  • He goes treasure hunting with Mona
  • He gave 9-Volt a GBA
  • The reason for his immortality is he doesn’t feel like dying
  • Things Wario hates: smart things, jerks that are stingy with their money, chocolate with peanuts, marron glacés, peppers and jigsaw puzzles
  • Wario’s spending habits: he spends most of it on food
  • He ate 100 Poison Mushrooms and red and white spots appeared over his body
  • He washes his clothes every 10 days
  • The source of his powers: garlic
  • He has a farming background, although no one seems to actually know the source for this fact

Investigating the Wario Greentext (Youtube, 17 minutes)

Sundry Sunday: A Christmas Warol

Sundry Sunday is when we present gaming culture finds from across the years and decades. We’ve changed things up a little for the season!

A Christmas Warol, from GabaLeth, is an entertaining remix of A Christmas Carol, starting Nintendo’s charmingly notorious money-grubbing libertarian.

It’s interesting to muse on how Wario has escaped popular condemnation for his capitalist ways, or at least aspirations? I think it’s partly because he’s an object of fun and not presented as a positive figure, the wa of warui, Japanese for bad, is right in his name. He’s also rarely successful, and sometimes implied (very vaguely) to have a good heart under there somewhere.

Anyway, here’s Wario as Ebenezer Scrooge. There’s four installments so far, and they’re all surprising short (although it never was a very long story); presumably there’ll be a fifth by the time you see this.

Episode 1 (3 minutes):

Episode 2 (2 1/2 minutes, with Wagooigi):

Episode 3 (1 1/2 minutes):

Episode 4 (1 1/2 minutes):

A Christmas Warol, Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4 (Youtube)

A Video on Wario Land 4’s Sound Design

Did you ever play Wario Land 4 on the Gameboy Advance? It was the last “classic” Wario Land game before its team switched over to making WarioWare games. If you’re a gaming, or at least a Nintendo, enthusiast you probably know what WarioWare games sound like, that endearingly weird crushed and echoey sound, but you might be surprised to discover that Wario Land 4 sounds of a piece with the Wario Land titles! Here’s the intro, hear for yourself:

Here’s the original WarioWare’s intro to compare its sound to. It’s all the good stuff!

geno7 over on Youtube (who has a terrific home page, by the way!) did a 51-minute deep dive into WL4’s sound design that’s just the kind of obsessive attention to detail that our cadre of pixel art loonies appreciate! Have a gawk and a listen and see if you agree.

The Bizarre Music and Sound Design of Wario Land 4 (Youtube, 51 minutes)