Indie Game Showcase 8/22/2022

The weekly indie game showcase highlights the many developer-submitted games and demos we play here. If you would like to submit a game for a future piece, please reach out.

0:00 Trinity Archetype

2:13 Green With Energy

4:19 Super Grave Snatchers

6:37 The Lightbringer

9:13 Happenlance

10:28 Timemelters

World Turtles Developer Interview

An interview with Gideon Griebenow who is the designer of the game World Turtles. We spoke about working on his first major game and the lessons he’s learned.

Indie Dev Stream Archive

And for more indie game coverage, here is the archive of my stream last week showcasing a variety of indie games.

  • 0:00 Spellbook Demonslayers
  • 25:43 Mech Shuffle
  • 45:24 Endling Extinction is Forever
  • 1:20:57 Ginger the Toothfairy
  • 1:28:51 Lightsmith
  • 1:43:13 Myth of Mirka
  • 1:48:50 Supernova Tactics
  • 2:00:55 Fabled Lands
  • 2:16:01 Kokoro Clover Season 1

Indie Dev Showcase 8/12/22

The showcase videos highlight the developer-submitted games and demos we play each week. If you would like to submit a game for a future piece, please reach out.

Indie Game Showcase 8/6/2022

Each weekly indie dev showcase highlights the many games we play here on the channel. All games shown were either key submissions for demos covered. Please reach out if you would like me to cover your game in a future piece.

Dave Gilbert Interview

For this cast, I sat down with returning guest and owner of Wadjet Eye Games Dave Gilbert for a chat about the adventure genre, his next project Old Skies, and discussing the adventure market today. We had a small issue where the stream wasn’t live at the start, but we started talking anyway.

Indie Inquiries Store Page Review: Metroplex Zero

This is a store page review of the game Metroplex Zero submitted by the developer. If you would like us to review your store page for a future show please reach out. Rob’s internet and camera were acting up and causing some issues with his footage.

Indie Game Showcase 7/30/22

The Indie game showcases highlight the developer submitted games and demos we check out each week on Game-Wisdom. If you would like to submit a game for a future piece, please reach out.

Videogame Fables Developer Interview

For this perceptive podcast, I spoke with Matt Sharp who is the designer of Video Game Fables to talk about creating a subversive RPG while still adhering to the design and structure of the genre.

Last Call BBS Video Review

Zachtronic’s last game is here and represents a great combination of brain teasers, programming puzzles, and solitaire.

This was played with a press key provided by the developer.

Tutankham Returns

Tutankham Returns ( link, $0) is a port/expansion of the classic Konami/Stern arcade game Tutankham. While Tutankham had only three levels, this has seven, but otherwise is much the same kind of thing. Compare the above to the original. It matches the original’s sound, graphics, and presentation exactly! The games have especially good sound design.

Creator Luca Carminati has a number of other recreations of classic games in, some, like a version of Tutankham Returns, for the Commodore 64. (Yes, it’s another Commodore post!) Of particular note is Bagman Comes Back (video, C64), a port of another neglected classic, with 24 different maps, compared to the original’s single three-screen board. Luca has been in this for a long time; he has a collection of Amiga games on itch that he made starting back in 1995!

Indie Inquiries Store Page Review of Dracula’s Castle

For this episode we reviewed the store page for the game Dracula’s Castle, if you would like us to look at your page in a future episode, please reach out.

Store Page